5 Marketing Strategies to Increase Your Hotel Bookings

In our world of content oversaturation, hotels must adapt and embrace new marketing tactics to stay ahead of the competition and maximize bookings. As a world-class team that owns, operates, develops, and designs unique hotels, we’ve pulled together some of the best hotel marketing strategies that you can implement this year to drive occupancy rates and revenue growth.

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Revisiting Customer Research 

Understanding your target audience is fundamental to crafting effective marketing campaigns. In 2024, hoteliers should revisit customer research to identify emerging demographic trends and preferences. Analyzing data from previous bookings and surveying guests can shine some light on new customer segments that hotels can better cater to. By tailoring services and promotions to these specific demographics, hotels can attract a wider range of guests.

Partnerships with Local Businesses and Influencers

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Hammetts Hotel in Newport, RI

Collaborating with local businesses and influencers can be a powerful marketing tool for hotels as these strategic partnerships can extend your reach and credibility within the community. Partnering with popular restaurants, attractions, or wellness centers can create attractive packages for guests, enhancing their overall experience. Additionally, collaborating with local influencers can increase brand visibility and credibility on social media platforms, ultimately driving bookings.

Utilizing Forecasting Reports

Leverage advanced forecasting reports and analytics tools to better plan and optimize pricing strategies this year. By accurately predicting demand fluctuations, you can adjust room rates, promotions, and inventory allocation to maximize revenue during peak periods and minimize losses during slower seasons.

Enhancing Guest Engagement Online

Look around—everyone is always on their phones. Guest engagement extends beyond the physical confines of the hotel so actively interacting with guests on online platforms, including responding to reviews, engaging with social media posts, and reposting user-generated content goes a long way. Fostering meaningful online connections with guests can build trust, loyalty, and brand advocacy. By actively engaging with guests, hotels can cultivate a positive reputation and encourage repeat bookings.

Implementing Remarketing Strategies

When it comes to hotel marketing strategies in 2024, capturing the attention of potential guests who may have abandoned the booking process is crucial for maximizing conversion rates. Consider leveraging remarketing tactics to re-engage with these individuals and encourage them to complete their bookings. By deploying targeted ads, personalized email campaigns, and enticing offers, you can entice hesitant customers to return to your website and finalize their reservations.

Experience Main Street Hospitality

Marketing within the hospitality industry can be a challenge, but when done right, it can also make a world of difference when it comes to revenue generated. 

As a world-class team that owns, operates, develops, and designs unique hotels, our team at Main Street Hospitality has learned a thing or two over the last few decades in the industry. Stay with us at one of our many properties to experience it yourself.